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W1Curates, Tenashee (DJ Tennis & Ashee) & Maotik

2nd September - 30th September 2024


A audio-reactive visual installation that is designed specifically for the unique architecture of W1 curates, a multi-screen immersive art platform. The installation uses lines and cubic geometry to alter the perception of space, transforming the environment into a fluid, evolving structure. The visual composition starts with simple elements that gradually become more complex over time, layering graphical components that react independently to different aspects of the music. By analysing sound data such as frequency and tempo, these visuals animate in harmony with the audio, distorting the space and creating a new architecture that continuously evolves within the W1 environment.

The visuals are responding to a musical piece from Tenashee, based on deconstructed sounds from their forthcoming album, a music project the duo have slowly developing since 2020.

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